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Frozen Pipe Repair

Frozen Pipes Repair

Frozen water flowing from the roof through a plastic pipe with a string inside.

Winter isn’t all Christmas lights and snowmen – it’s also the time of year that pipes of your NYC area home and business can become frozen. Pipes run at four to eight gallons a minute, so if even just one frozen pipe were to burst, you’re looking at a home or commercial disaster to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars in damage. All a frozen pipe needs to burst is for water to cool several degrees below freezing inside the pipe, causing ice to form. This can result in pressure building up in excess of 3000psi, which can split the pipe. Once the water is thawed in the pipe, water damage is imminent.

Pipes, just like people, need to stay warm in winter. Why? Pipes contain water and in freezing temperatures, water both freezes and expands — when this happens, even the strongest residential or commercial plumbing system is in danger of having a pipe burst. Even if your business or home shuts down for the winter, frozen pipes can still crack, split, and burst, causing major flooding and damage in the spring.


Most Vulnerable Pipes

Signs of Frozen Pipes

While these are some tips you can attempt yourself, it’s always best to call in an experienced professional. And remember, it’s important to act quickly to limit any potential/further damage. Our skilled technicians at Neo Plumbing are ready to take your call 24/7. We’re standing by with exceptional customer service that is our commitment to all of our NYC customers.