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Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning is the use of systems and technologies to control the temperature, and humidity of the air in any residential or commercial property. HVAC systems can also help with indoor air quality control by removing harmful viruses, bacteria, pollens, dust, and other allergens from the indoor air. Unlike a typical Air Conditioning system, an HVAC system heats, cools, and ventilates the indoor space. 

There are several types of systems to heat or cool the house like a forced air central HVAC, ductless mini-split system, and window AC units.


Mini Split system

A mini-split Air Conditioning system does not require an extensive network of ductwork, unlike a typical HVAC system. They work by having individual indoor units in each room which has a fan and an evaporator to cool the room. Installation cost is typically less for a mini-split system compared to an HVAC system. Traditionally mini-splits only worked to cool the room whereas, in recent years, mini-split systems come with heat pumps which can also be used to heat the room during winter time.  The main advantage of a mini-split AC system is its small size and flexibility in installation. They are especially useful where installing ductwork may not be possible. Since each indoor unit is independent, temperature settings can be customized to the needs of each person using in that particular room, e.g., some people prefer cooler temperatures between 68-70F whereas others prefer warmer temperatures between 72-74F. This type of customization is very hard and expensive to implement in a central HVAC system. The other advantage is that these indoor units can be turned off in rooms not being occupied and thus saving the electricity cost. They are also better for indoor air quality since ducts in an HVAC system can collect dust, allergens, and other viruses/bacteria which will be spread in the rooms

Window Air Conditioners

Window Air Conditioning units are simple, single units with both the compressor and the evaporator together in a box or a casing. They are usually mounted in a window with a standard electrical outlet collection. Window AC units can only cool the house unlike the HVAC system and the mini-split systems which can also heat the room. Window AC units are cheap to purchase and install since they do not require extensive piping, ductwork, or electrical rewiring. Window AC units are best for small rooms and can be cost effective if 1-3 units are used in a house/apartment. To cool a larger space, it would be cost-effective to have a minis-split or an HVAC unit compared to several window units. Window units are great for tenants to use in their house or apartment when there is no central heating or cooling system. It is possible for a homeowner or a tenant to install a window AC unit by themselves, but there is a risk of the unit falling down outside if they are not secured properly. Call the best HVAC contractor in NYC  to have a qualified technician install or repair your HVAC unit. 


Forced Air System

A Forced Air HVAC system delivers conditioned air at the appropriate temperature to the indoor space. This can be cool air during summer time or hot air during winter time. Sometimes, these units are equipped with only the cooling system and they are called Central Air conditioning systems. This is typical in places where the winters are not very cold like the southern parts of the United States. Since in New York City we have cold winters, central HVAC systems are typically equipped with both the heating unit and the cooling unit. These systems have extensive ductwork to force the air through the building and cool/heat all the rooms. The initial installation is typically higher because of the installation of the ductwork. But these units are generally more efficient and there will be savings in the utility bills.